I have seen a lot of ideas concerning Cable lifters

I have seen a lot of ideas concerning Cable lifters and all seem to be pricy considering the value and appearance. But what if there was an answer that cost virtually nothing and you had the option to choose a multitude of designs and capabilities?
Glass is probably the best Neutral choice and what do we have in abundance. Used glasses (Goodwill). There are so many options around and possible just waiting one more day you can find exactly what you want and even if you don't like their choices there are options at stores that go far beyond what the High End Audio vendors offer. Here are a couple of examples:





Why the martyrdom?

Yea, really. Does the OP think this is the first time this subject has ever been discussed on this or any other forum?

Post removed 

@ericsch Me thinks you are putting words into my mouth and I'll thank you to keep your paws out of my oral orifice lest I bite you.
I am not claiming martyrdom, but only pointing out that there are two types of responses here. The ignorant and those who actually have the intelligence to make a comment and then back it up. There is nothing wrong with having a different point of view or even stating such, but with all of the scientific evidence, I see from those who did choose to comment against me here it was just that IGNORANCE and I doubt any of them have more that a used Sanyo they purchased off of eBay for a sound system. As I tried to show before, most improvements of this type are adaptive and provide little actual perceivable difference, BUT when combined with the multitude of other mods, create an effect that IS noticeable. If ew microhenrys here and a farad or two other all add up to a changed output on the overall system. As far as the comments that were probably the MOST accurate, the lesser grade of shielding on a cable being responsible, when you are forking out MEGAbucks for cables it is a trade-off on what you get. That is if you actually do your homework and check out what an item actually is and how it is made.
 Then there is the type of response which p[provided nothing and I mean NOTHING. like "Sounds like an Alchemy lesson". Well, let's see Yes All glass, at least all consumer grade glass has lead in it, and lead is conductive and therefore potentially has an effect on the insulative quality of said glass. But I suspect if that person went to school, he/she didn't get a very good grade in physics or electronics 101 class.

I recently bought the Fog lifters by Audioquest.  I listened from my chair as my son installed them.  I perceived an immediate in the blackness of the background (noise reduction), better depth and bass definition and a truer rendering of vocals and acoustic instruments.  These are the kinds of bugaboos that you don't notice until they're removed.  Highly recommended.  Besides, you can always return them if expectations aren't met.

Electric fence corner ceramic insulators. Very workable design. Ten pack ~$12 at tractor supply.