Which Speakers would you buy

Canton ref 5.2 DC or Audio Physic Avanti 3
I have not heard the Audio Physic speakers. I have heard the Ref. 5 speakers. You will find them to be fast and refined. They reminded me of my Silverline Bolero speakers - very capable, maybe a little laid back, very refined. I would certainly consider them if I were auditioning speakers.
I have owned and enjoyed a lower priced model in the Audio Physic line, the Tempo 3's and truly enjoyed them. AP's have a well deserved reputation for disappearing as a sound source and I will support that claim based on my experience...they also claim "No loss of fine detail" and that is true as well.I had moved from Martin Logan Aerius i's at the time and felt the openness and transparency of the Tempos did not make me seriously miss those aspects while adding the benefits of dynamic drivers (more punch/dynamics/bass and "meat on the bones".A really well rounded speaker. Personally I use only tube amps and had my perfectly matched for the Tempos VTL MB-125 monos (EL-34's) into them...and it was sublime. Some solid state may likely be too much...just my 2 cents.I would imagine the Avantis would be a formidable speaker, especially if you want an "engaging" event. Good luck . Don't know the others you speak of...but Audio Physics are very very nice speakers. Oh yes, absolutely amazing soundstaging width, depth, and image placement. Really.