I have a Musical Fidelity A5 cd player which I am very
happy with...I am a resolution detail type of guy.
I use small Mcintosh ss amps with B&W 705's.
I know this is a popular player on this site. I think I am
going to look at some others....I like to try stuff.
Am I upgrading going to a MAC mcd 201....used Meridian...
Esoteric SA-10? Around $3400 is as far as would go.
SS or tube makes no difference to me with my equipment.
They both sound good. Got the bug.

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I have used a DAC.......I like the MF X-DAC V8.
It is how I went to the A5. I also have had success
with the Cary cd players with upsampling on the fly.
I have used a 308T and CDP-1....I do think the
MF A5 is more musical. The Benchmark is a good suggestion.
What would you use as a transport?
Ayre CX-7e - haven't heard it, gets good reviews here and in the press.

Marantz SA-11s1 - warm and detailed at the same time.

Linn MAJIK - detail champ in this price range

Shanling CD-T1000SE CD Player with Level-1 modifications from Underwood HiFi - intriguing, ultra cool looking Chinese tubed CDP with heavy duty mods
Thats any easy solution. You buy the new Musical Fidelity A5.5 due out shortly. Thats what I may do myself.