Vintage Luxman receivers

Bought a perfect condition Luxman R-104 at a garage sale today for 5 bucks! This thing sounds unbelievably good with my Focal 836w. I’ve powered these with Musical Fidelity A1008 and pimped out Jolida tube integrated. This thing sounds more well balanced than both I think. Powerful sounding little s..t. We’re these known to be good or do I just have bad taste?😃


Bought a perfect condition Luxman R-104 at a garage sale today for 5 bucks!

Yes, Great deal!

I bought new in 1977 two Luxman B-12 monoblock amps and a Luxman C-12 preamp I paid $2000 for the two amps and preamp back then. I had them for more then thirty years before I sold them. Boy they did sound nice driving my JBL 4435's.😎


Does the new Luxman stuff have the same basic sound signature as the old stuff?


blisshifi     gave a nice description.  I’ve owned several vintage pieces when still actually Luxman and one Alpine piece.  Yes, they’ve mostly always been that good.  

My latest foray is the Luxman 509X monster and they do have a house sound.  My newest is just that much more muscular and controlling than previous vintage pieces.

I would also note that the newer pieces are a bit more refined and relaxed with more midrange magic than the older pieces. The detail retrieval and control improves with each price point / model upgrade but Luxman likes to focus preliminarily on the magic of the spectrum of midbass-midrange-lower treble.  

“Luxman likes to focus preliminarily on the magic of the spectrum of midbass-midrange-lower treble.  “

That description seems to make sense why they would be a good match for the Focals I’m using.