Don't post often here but thought I would let you all know I stumbled on a pretty amazing performer in this little monitor.

I would say the midrange is on par with my Harbeth 40.1, treble has a tad more leading edge bite than the best soft dome but its a really good top end that never gets nasty. Dynamically they are performing way better than they should. I'm betting they would compete with the new 30.1 sonically, just a guess.

Have them running with 20X price electronics in a small office and they are not outclassed in any way. Made me want to keep throwing my best gear with them they sounded so good.

If you are in the market grab a pair, you will not regret. Saw two pair this morning for sale for around 1K, I can't think of anything in 20 years offering this much performance for 1K. You could build a world class non-full range sound around these.
You don't have to buy new stands to try placing the speakers lower and see what that does. Just set them on any readily available household object that offer a sturdy platform. Milk crates or even a stack of books can work well. You can also then try tipping them upwards a bit if desired, by raising the fronts relative to rear. Just place a tightly rolled up dish rag or towel under the front bottom.

Speaker location and orientation relative to listener makes all the difference with box designs that tend to be more directional in nature.

If all sound balanced tonally but fatigue persists, then consider AC power conditioning or a decent power cord upgrade with noise control designed for the digital source as a next step.
Good suggestion - it did help having them lower even on hollow boxes.

As these are burning in I'm really starting to hate them. They do so many things well - fast, dynamic, 3d imaging and sound staging, amazing air, transients, surprisingly good timbrel accuracy for a speaker this size. But the tonal balance is too bright and revealing (tho not sibilant as the burn in) for my liking.

I find myself wanting exactly this speaker but with a darker sound. And for that I expect to pay a minimum of 5 times the price. Ouch.
Larrybou, I agree totally , for many years KEF was my fave brand . No more, much of their Chinese stuff is horrible. LS 50 being a prime example for the reason you described.

Am I interpreting your post correctly? Are you saying the top end is good but the problem is the lack of lower frequency response to balance the presentation?
Larrybou, did you indicate how large your room is?

I found ls50s lacking in a larger room but quite sufficient in a smaller 12X12 sunroom with vaulted ceiling.

If low end authority and extension is the issue, adding a sub or two will address that.

Generally, you need larger speakers with more or larger drivers for larger rooms. Yes, good ones will cost more. It cost more to fill a larger room with quality full range sound. Adding subs also provides flexibility in placement of subs versus main in order to maximize everything together. Larger speakers often need placement closer to walls in order to deliver bass in larger rooms. Close placement to walls usually works against soundstage, imaging and detail, so getting an ideal setup for everything can be a challenge with most any full range speakers versus monitors + sub(s).