WEISS 501-502 DAC

I believe the Weiss 502 Dac came out in 2017. Does anyone know if there have been any up-grades to that unit since it's release date? in other words, is the current unit the same ,or have there been any sonic improvements? Thanks for any feedback. Sam


email weiss, daniel himself will usually answer, my unit gets periodic firmware updates

i too love my weiss 501 - don’t feel it needs any improvement 😉 but we all need what we need to sleep well at night!

I just saw on the weiss website that there are now "4-channel" versions of both the 501 and 502, and they are considered upgrades. Go to the site and read for yourself - I wasn’t that interested so didn't take the time to delve into, just noted it, so can’t comment further as to what the improved version involves

I think there is a belief that DACs have gone through huge improvements over the last ten years and the prices in the resale markets tend to support that.  Honestly, if you audition something in your system and like it, that should be enough.  A good product remains a good product three or four years later (or more).  I'd argue that most of the "upgrades and updates" have little to do with sound quality and everything to do with marketing--especially when a lot of companies are asking for more than twice as much for the new versions than they asked ten years ago (or sometimes even less than ten years ago).  I recently sent my Ayre CD Player back to Ayre for a new disc drive, because I still love the sound of my Cx7MPe 20 years after I bought it. Pretty doubtful that I would like the $5,400 CX-8 and more (and it's a LOT uglier).

If you like the Weiss, buy the Weiss. 

There have been multiple firmware upgrades over the years. These are usually downloaded over the internet and installed by the end user. Mainly the addition of new DSP features.

The latest upgrade is a hardware upgrade to Mk 2 status. The existing analog module is replaced with the Mk 2 version. The Mk 2 uses ESS 9038PRO DAC chips, instead of ESS 9018 previously.

The "white paper" can be accessed using this link:



The 501v2 and 502v2 are both available and the distributor is working on stocking these models.  Silver 502v2 is in-stock.  The 501v2 is $11,495, the 502v2 is $12,795.  

Also, upgraded boards will be available for people who want to move from the original 501 and 502.  This is not a vicious process and just needs to be coordinated through your dealer.