How good does my system have to be to realize an improvement with cables?

I've heard the difference power cables and interconnect cables in a highly resolving system so that's not the question.  $200 for cables  on a $500 DAC doesn't make sense to me.  Wouldn't that $200 be better spent on a better component?  At what point is an expensive cable the best choice?  Spending $500 on a $15,000 DAC does make sense as the transparency and resolution of the component could be better realized with a better signal / power source.

My question is what's the  percentage of the overall component's cost should be the cabling and at what point should it even be considered?

Or put a different way How would you know if your cables are your weakest link?



Thanks everyone for the input.  My biggest issue is I don't know what I don't know.  I'm budget cable all the way and it still sounds good to me, so considering buying a cables that cost more than half  of what I spent on my amp causes me pause.

I like the concept of the used the route but counterfeit looms as they are selling for more than the ones from China with the same look.

There are sooo many choices and feedback from all of you and the logic of how you made your decision is of great value to me. 




Yep, you got it. Hopefully you take the complexity as a challenge and enjoy getting the most out of your system through listening and learning. That is what drives most of us.

I am sure over my lifetime I have spent over a thousand hours, testing, evaluating and reading about different cables. They have made major contributions to the overall sound quality of all my systems. To calm down the harshness and high frequency tipped sound when my components were inexpensive and now to be incredibly transparent to bring through the full capability of my outstanding components.

agree that 50% of component cost for cable probably doesn't make sense...some manufacturers sell their own demo or refurbished cables for reduced cost, so you're getting used without counterfeit worries...though another recent thread discussed how good some obvious counterfeits sounded..(obvious, as in $5,000 cable selling new for $50 )...remember, trying cables to improve your system can be fun, and doesn't have to cost anything to try 

I am totally “out experienced” here.
I probably only have 40 hours all in, with determining what to get, ordering it, physically making the cables, and the time I needed to work to get the funds… but I figured if the studios that are recording and mixing are using Mogami and Cardas by the kilometer(s), then if I use the same I should not loosing a  lot… Any loss would already be gone before I got the album.

However most of those studios are probably on XLR now, so maybe consider selling you gear and getting the XLR based gear, which is less fussy with cables.



danager-the smartest, most cost-effective way to address your concern is to enjoy listening to music and stay away from audio forums.