Where did you buy your first audio gear?

I bought my first audio gear in a Post Exchange PX store in Baumholder Germany. I was a young soldier about 20 yrs old and bought a SAE amp and Preamp, Bose 901 speakers, Sony CDP-101 CD player and a Thorens TD 320 turntable. Where did you buy your first audio gear? What did you get?

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Technics receiver and Koss headphones in 1972 at about 3000 south State St Salt Lake City, Inkley’s Camera Shop, about 3 years later I got a Yamaha Natural Sound CR 820 receiver, Tannoy Cheviots, Technics Direct Drive turntable and ortofon cartridge at Broadway Music downtown Salt Lake City. I got spoiled early on

My first quality gear I bought from the man, Brooks Berdan in SoCal.  It was a Rega P3, Rega Mira integrated, and Vandersteen 2ce Sigs.  That was 20 years ago and I still use the table and speakers, upgraded to separates though in that time (Rogue Metis tube pre, also from them).  Was a great store while he was alive, best salesman I've ever encountered.

Allied Radio, scrapd plates at  U of A dining room,saved up  and got a Scott amp, AR4 speakers , a Lear turntable and Koss headphones for about $260.   Aw those were the days !!

@secretguy  -  FYI, Olsen Electronics had a store opposite from Allied Radio on Western Ave. In Chicago.