A trick with Scotch Whisky

OK.....it's the Holidays so let's lighten things up a bit.

When I listen to music I often like to garnish the experience with a good glass of Scotch or American single barrel whisky.

One of my favorite Scotch whisky's is Lagavulin 16 year old. It is very good Scotch with a pungent smoky flavor. That's the good part. The bad part is it costs about $65 to $80 a bottle. Recently, on a lark I tried to get the basic flavor of Lagavulin by altering a much cheaper Scotch whisky. The results were suprisingly good. I got about %75 percent of the flavor of Lagavulin for about %30 of the cost.

Furthermore all audiophiles have two things in common; they like to experiment and love to change things. So in the spirit of experimentation I offer the following "ersatz Lagavulin" recipe.

2 - "level" teaspoons of "Colgin Liquid Smoke, natural hickory orginal recipe.

1 - 750ml bottle of Aberlour 10 year old Scotch.

Blend them both together and be careful to only add two level teaspoons of the liquid smoke. Pour into your favorite whisky glass. Enjoy.

That's It! The "ersatz Lagavulin" has a smoky taste with hickory overtones and a smooth sweet finish. My friends and I drink this more than the real thing now.

I welcome any and all similiar experiments (for any liquor) or recipes for a favorite drink.

Cheers and Happy Holidays Audiogoners.

I can see it now the audiophile home distilery. The upgrades can be very costly and the tweaks can really make the differance. 10, 12, and 15 years from now we can all gather together to see how we did.

At that point the forums take off, somebody is selling thier home grown as a high priced audio upgrade. And grannies white lightning is sold as a magic all in one snake oil remedy.
Post removed 

I have a bottle of Glenfarclas 1954 52 year old scotch in my collection.  I will open it when my system has been fully upgraded.  Meaning, when I die, I will open it that morning.  When I sip it, I will consider the fact that it was made before Elvis was big, before the Beatles, before the Cuban Missile Crisis, before JFK and John Lennon were shot, before we landed on the moon, and before Will Smith slapped Chris Rock.


This is the surest way I can imagine to bring down a curse upon your family.
Just because the Queen is in heaven now doesn't mean she will do anything to save your blasphemous self!