New Spatial Audio M4 Ultra

Wondering if anyone has heard these yet? Since the M3 was discontinued due to parts availability looks like spatial audio has combined the X4 chassis and mi//bass drivers with a new tweeter. 


Discussions about this on Audio Circle. It looks like the tweeter for the M3 is no longer available to the M4 Ultra has a different tweeter and is a smaller speaker in stature (about 1/2 foot). The X series (I also have the X5s) are still available with the X4 Ultra having a passive woofer whereas the X5 and X3 having the woofer driven by a class D amp. I also found a used LTA Z40+ integrated amp and they go together very nicely.

I have an LTA MZ2 with a pass XA-25 that I’m hoping will be a good match for these speakers. When I spoke to Clayton he assured me the tweeter on the ultra is really good, and it seems to be a bit of a middle point between the M and X. I will definitely update this thread once I get them. Excited to get in to OB speakers and it’s encouraging to hear so many people love them. 

If you read Ron from New Record Day’s review… he loved the M3 Sapphires… pretty much giving them his best of the best comments. 

If you read all of the X reviews… same type of comments. 

And now the Ultras are getting similar accolades… Clayton is on a roll. 

Another fan of Spatial Audio and Clayton Shaw is Danny Richie of GR Research. In a recent YouTube video Danny raved about the X4 (I believe it was), recommending it to his customers who can't or don't want to build a GR Research DIY kit. He of course recommended adding a pair of GRR/Rythmik Audio OB/Dipole subs to the Spatials ;-) .

You know, it’s not a bad business plan when you can largely eliminate the mega-costly speaker enclosure (both to build and ship) and also take advantage of a dipole design. Makes a ton of sense to me, and getting to hear Spatial speakers for the first time last weekend at the NYC show (with LTA electronics) was one of the absolute highlights for me. Most impressive!