What’s your latest high-end audio purchase?

What’s your latest high-end audio purchase?  It can be cables, tweaks, components etc.  Also, please share why you purchased, what it replaced, and any additional tips and insights regarding your purchase.  

I hoping for this to be enjoyable and educational, so please be civil of other’s opinions and choices.


Ferrum Hypsos hybrid power supply.


Programmable from 5 to 30v and can put out 6 amps.


Big step up from my previous LPS on a network switch in my streaming setup.

Used Audio Research SP6B--I am retired and poor.

AMAZING, as I knew it would be on my Maggies..


A 26’ Morrow MA-1 interconnect to wrap around the room and connect my Luxman 890AXII tape out to my Woo WA6 headphone amp. Some of the best $$ I’ve spent in years, as I can now get great early morning listening sessions In without disturbing the rest of the household.

Earlier this year a Cambridge Evo 150.  A “future fi” revolutionary type product.  I’ve been nothing but pleased with it overall.