Schiit Freya +

Read some interesting reviews of the Schiit Freya +  tube based pre-amplifier.

Seems like it competes way above its price range.

Has anyone any direct experience with it?


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Owned one for a few months, had the same issues as others have brought up and had to use socket savers but in the end I didn't like the sound and sold it.  It's great for the money, there is really nothing quite like it so it's a good intro into tubes.


@mdrone I recall you asking about the Audio Mirror preamplifier in the past. That unit is leagues above the Freya+. I’ve owned the Freya as well as the Freya+. While the Freya+ was an improvement, it is still fairly fatiguing and isn’t even close to the best in terms of coherence. For a similar price, look for a preowned Rogue 99 Magnum preamp. It has a similar circuit design with four 6SN7, but it uses very good parts and it’s performance is a significant step above.

FWIW I don’t think the Freya+ punches above its price point in any way aside from the convenience of switching between passive, JFET and tube. 

I sort of concur. It’s flexibility at the price point is enticing for a new audiophile. I bought mine just to hear for myself. Going to keep it for a desk top system.


I really didn't like this preamp BUT find me one preamp with great tubes like the 6SN7 that has balanced inputs/outputs for under $1k.