
Hey all! I've been circling a Rega P10 turntable, which is their latest iteration. It has gotten great reviews by Rega afficionados, but not much notice from the TT community at large, that I can find. It's a deviation from the conventional thinking that mass=stability, and quiet. It is very lightweight, but stiff. I like unconventional, and am willing to take a leap, though. Question is, of course, has anyone had any experience with these TT's and what thoughts do you have? (Michael Fremer at Analog Planet did a 5 part video of the Rega factory with Roy Gandy a couple of years ago and I have to say I was really impressed by his devotion to his art and his conviction about the direction Rega has taken with its TT's.)


Did you read where I wrote “for the purist”?

What does Ortofon sell?  Answer: Cartridges!!!  And the more of them you buy, the better it is for Ortofon.  You came here looking to buy a particular turntable which happens to have the limitation that it can mount only one tonearm.  Others made you feel that your life will not be complete until you have two tonearms, one for mono LPs.  I am telling you that 90% of the benefit of playing mono LPs in mono can be had by using the mono switch on your line stage; you don’t “need” a mono cartridge.  You are of course free to spend your money however you wish.

Sure, I saw that. Sadly, my pre doesn’t have a mono switch. I haven’t looked, but I suppose there is such a switch I could chain into the system. But, I do like to fiddle, so I’ll probably get Ortofon’s 2M Mono SE cart. There will be some trouble to go to, changing the thing on and off. But I’m hoping it will be worth the effort! We’ll see!



"great reviews by Rega afficionados" is enough to make mew question it.  I haven't heard a decent Rega table for anywhere near it's retail price.  None.

Well I've heard the Rega's vs the VPI Tt's at the same price point - the Rega's eat them. The P10 is much better than the Thoren mentioned above.

P10 is a great deck as evidenced by Michael Fremers review in Stereophile.

The new generation of Rega cartridges - heard top two - are lightyears better than the older versions.


A table comparable to the P10 is the Michell Gyro SE, though that was surprising to me.  I have the Michell and it's wonderful, both sonically and looks-wise.  I also have a hot-rodded P3 that performs like a P6 or better and though I still love that thing, I find the Gyro much more engaging.  But a reviewer who has both the Gyro SE and the P10 seems to believe they are on the same level, and at times the Gyro asks questions that the P10 can't answer.  He also has a Vertere yet still spins the Gyro all the time.  The Gyro has recently doubled in price though since I bought it (with Tecnoarm) so it would be close call with the P10, but doubt you'd go wrong either way.