I am interested in your comparison between Rega and VPI. Could you be very specific in the sonic differences?
My first failed attempt at getting an Audiophile table was a Rega… long time ago, and not at the level of a P6 today would be. My second attempt at an audiophile table was a VPI Aries… it worked… absolutely better in every respect to every table I had owned before it… not by a small margin… but huge margin. It was very very significantly better in surface noise, bass, details, musicality, midrange bloom and rhythm and pace. The difference was mid-fi vs audiophile.
More recently I upgraded to a far superior table… a Linn LP12 nearly the top level with a Koetsu Rosewood signature cartridge. One thing I have become aware of is the idea of a “lively” sound… versus what I would call a dead silent background (massive turntables seem to have the later aspect),
Anyway, I am interested in understanding the aspects of the Rega that seem superior to VPI.