NAD M23 Stereo Amplifier: Best Amp Ever Bench Tested?!?


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Speaking for myself, it's all about what I hear.  Usually, I already know the price.  But not always.  The "specs" doesn't really matter.

A manufacture that prints less than or poor specs is either brutally honest and or lacking marketing savvy.




Also it is interesting that the majority of owners of separates utilizing Class D power amplification are using Tubed Preamplifiers like LTA, A-S, AR, SUPRATEK. Quick Silver, on and on.

How do you know that the majority of class d amp users using a preamp are using tubed preamplifiers? No doubt many do, without question, but I don’t see how you can make this claim. Lots of people like the kind of distortion put out by many types of tube amps/preamps and feel the need to add such. Others choose class d because of lack of such distortion and the last thing they want to do is add something they are trying to get away from.

So Mark is behind the success and makes Bruno’s module sound good.

That’s certainly one way to look at it. I tend to look at it differently.

Always have a soft spot for NAD, equipment brings good dynamics.  They make my speakers sound lively.

Speaking for myself, it's all about what I hear.  Usually, I already know the price.  But not always.  The "specs" doesn't really matter.

Many would agree with you about "specs" not mattering to them. Many others feel differently. Whatever works for you. Sadly, there are many small minded people who can't accept that their opinions on the matter are unimportant to a great many.


A manufacture that prints less than or poor specs is either brutally honest and or lacking marketing savvy.

Or maybe they believe all those who say "specs don't matter."