Next step suggestions, from Spendor SP100r ?

Hi all,
holidays are very "dangerous" from an audiophile point of view, because there is time to think more about your system and subsequent changes ;-)
So, in these holidays I started to think a way to make some evolution in my system, starting from speakers but not only, even if I'm satisfied for the actual sound.
My question is how to evolve the sound of Spendors SP100r (not r2) without loosing their superb musicality. In particular I wish a deeper and controlled bass, more punch, without loosing efficiency and SP-100r mids.
Now my taste of music is 80% Rock and Electronica, 19,99% Jazz and practically no Classical music, even if sometimes I like a good sounding system for this genre.
Starting to think about that, I have difficulties in creating a list of speakers to hear ;-) who can me help with some suggestions? Consider this a brainstorming exercise :-)
My system pictures and composition are in my profile, my listening room is 11m x 4,5m but I have some restrictions: speakers distance from the rear walls not more than 70cm, from side walls not more tahn 30cm., speakers not large more than 55cm due to my furniture shape. Listening point is around the middle of the room. The floor has an acoustic treatment.
Thanks in advance for the suggestions :-)
.Vitus Audio RI-100 amplifier
.Weiss 202 DAC
.TW Acoustic Raven One+ SME310 + Dynavector XX2mk2
.Audia Flight Phono preamp

I am a fan of DeVore speakers too. I recently heard the Orangutan with Line Magnetics amp and that combination is quite good. I don't consider the DeVore speakers to be what truly deep bass fans would be looking for, but, they do deliver a lively and well balanced sound. Dave mentioned the high end JBLs. I also think that the high end models with the horn drivers (e.g., Everest) sound very good.
As someone who has owned SP-100s for the past 11 years, I can sympathize with your situation. During the past few years, I have considered a wide variety of newer speakers as replacements for the Spendors, yet still have the SP-100s. Some that you may want to listen to are Daedalus Athena and Ulysses, DeVore O/96, Audio Note E series, and Tannoys. One thing that I have learned is that for someone who likes the Spendor sound there are very few alternatives that will satisfy. Another thing is that the SP-100 has so much potential that it deserves top-notch sources and amplifiers. From your description of your system, it appears you reached the same conclusion.

The practical alternative for me has been vintage speakers. At present I alternate between the Spendors and a pair of homemade speakers that use a vintage 15" Jensen woofer with Altec 32 horn and 802-8G compression driver. There is a photo on my system page. While not perfect by any means, the vintage speaker is actually more satisfying on most types of music than the SP-100s, and I say that as a Spendor fan. Just something to consider.
I just took a closer look at your system page and noticed the stands you are using for your Spendors. To get deeper and stronger bass, I suggest you try some some Skylan stands. I recently replaced my Sound Anchor stands with Skylans and was rather surprised what a difference this made.
Hi All, thanks for everyone comment.
I guess first of all could be better ask for a serious room analysis and try to made such a non-invasive room correction as someone suggested. I am also evaluating the Salectric suggestion: to try different stands. My actual stands was crafted by and I placed ceraballs between wooden floor and stands.
In the meantime I will try to hear some JBL (Array 1400, 4365) than can fall into my budget.
Other suvggestions are everytime welacome, thanks again!