How many turntables have you owned?

My analog journey started in the 70's- I'm on my 6th turntable, which I have owned since 1998. I think it's my final turntable!



   Yes! I forgot about the steel needle on my first TT. My father talked about cactus needles being used at one time, I had no experience with that. Indeed, there was to be a long succession of TT's in my future, but that wasn't so uncommon in the 60's now was it?

Wow.  So many here are into Japanese turntables.  As a generality electrical engineering: great.  Mechanical engineering: not so.

Problem is nearly all the SQ functionality of a TT is on the mechanical side.

Many people believe that if the platter rotates at exactly 33.33333rpm that's job done.  Not so.  The biggest engineering objective is to ensure the stylus is only free to move by tracking the groove.  So no slop allowed all the way from the main bearing, through the arm bearing, cartridge cantilever right to the stylus.  That requires superlative engineering of TT, arm and cart.  Most Japanese TTs and ,where appicable their associated arms, do not possess this.