So......what do you use under your speakers?

Looking to replace the stock spikes on my new speakers (Vivid Audio) that will make improvements in sound as well as give me a little more height. I have a commercial grade carpet over concrete with no padding. Not really looking to alter any frequency range but wouldn't mind general overall improvements in clarity, imaging, etc. I have been looking at Eden Sound Terracones, Stillpoints and Wave Kinetics. Price is not a deal breaker. TIA.
I find that one has to experiment to determine what is best. Usually, with concrete floors, it is best to couple the speaker to the floor (sharp-pointed cones), but, isolation could, in some circumstances, be better sounding. If you don't like the cones you tried, then perhaps isolation, instead of coupling, should at least be tried.

I use isolation with my speakers and I do this with a Symposium Svelte shelf under my speaker. The shelf has a soft core between two aluminum sheets so that vibrational energy is dissipated as heat from the molecules in the soft core rubbing together. This results in a tighter sound, particularly in the bass. I also use shims under the Svelte Shelf to change the backwards tilt of the speaker.

If you don't like the height of the speaker, it is often possible to achieve some of what you want by changing the tilt of the speaker instead of raising it up. If you tilt the speaker back (top leaning away from you when you stand in front) that often acts in the same way as raising the speaker. This changes where the drivers are pointed and can change frequency balance, and for reasons I can't explain, such backward tilt tends to raise the height of the image.

Another vote for Symposium. I'm using the entry level Segue platforms with Herbie's spike decoupling/gliders under my Focus Audio FS8's. The results are better bass definition and a more focused soundstage.
Tbg, the phrase electronic cancellation most likely came out of the marketing dept. as electronic (active) isolation has been with us for quite some time. Even the old warhorse Vibraplane has an Active version.
Herbie's Decoupling Spikes, under Von Schweikert VR5 HSE's. Gave fuller body, more natural sound compared to original spikes.

Geoffkait, yeah a pump.

Dayglow, this is not an election. I have a box full of tiptoes of various material and mixtures of them, string suspension platforms, various pucks, including ones that are solid carbon, etc.