New Marantz SA11S2?

Can someone please describe the new Marantz SA11S2 sound for me? In general terms, is it smooth, detailed, dynamic, soft, transparent, slightly veiled, impactful bass, slightly rounded bass, great treble extension or slightly rolled? Warm robust midrange, lean mids, fairly neutral to dry?

Thank you
Mr. Tennis, I must say your comments are far from the reality I and others hear from the SA11. The unit has bloom, has warmth, and is hardly on the thin side. For those with a listening preference to a bloated, overly warm, highly colored sound, such a view might be theirs. Perhaps your system is

Even Michael Fremer, whom I disagree with, said the SA11 had warmth, had body.

In regards to the input discussion above, why would anyone want a digital input on this player? The transport is among the best sounding made, so why would you want to use the unit without the transport?

The only thing I could see one might want are the two digital outputs (to run a DAC) that the unit already has.
Please don't listen to what Mr Tennis says about this player. His previous posts pretty much tell me his hearing is very different than most here. I think you will find this to be very true if you search. It must be alien

I do not have the S2 but have the S1 and love it. By far the best player I have owned and I am sure the S2 is better. How much I don't know but I would not hesitate to buy it.
Hey guys, don't you know Mr. Tennis is a reviewer? His hearing is much better than any one of us. We are all supposed to have flaw in our hearing. Only he has perfect hearing. The only problem is he reviews gear while playing tennis :-))))))))