
I’ve finally achieved parity between my digital and analog sides.
With the acquisition of a new turntable ((Feickert Volare,) I’m at last enjoying both formats equally.

An observation between the two: They are definitely different in character and each has its own sonic signature. Analog is more spacious and for lack of a better word, mellow. Digital is more finely etched. Each has a very well defined sound stage.
Both are a pleasure to listen to now.


Congratulations! It sounds like you completed Digital first then Analog?

I am curious, which one did cost you more money? In other words, to accomplish the same SQ (parity you mentioned), which one (Digital vs. Analog) did you have to spend more money on? Thank you,


It is a great milestone in everyone’s system. The constant pull to the better one really takes away a lot of pleasure. So enjoy. I have never enjoyed my system more. I just stream +95% now.


By the way, with a change the digital end you could eliminate the finely etched… or for that matter you could get rid of the mellowness of the vinyl. The character of each are primarily determined by your streamer / DAC or cartridge / Phonostage.


So if in the future you get an urge to either split the difference and have the two sounds converge or have both move towards one or the other you can.

Great - Be Happy!

BTW Jenny Lin has a CD out on the Steinway label called "Be Happy" which is easy to recommend for some relaxed listening - check it out. She's a pretty fair pianist I think.

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