The short answer:
I sold the Schitt Freya+ which I tried for 3-months because I was curious. It was OK with my Benchmark AHB2. Otherwise, I it did not make me happy like the LA4 or 07x.
The long answer:
I learned to love the slightly noisier CODA 07x, however, I do prefer my Benchmark LA4 preamp more (it is noiseless and adds nothing). What I did is kept the CODA 07x in my office (the better system) and now use the LA4 in an all-Benchmark stack in the Livingroom with KEF LS50s. I am going to upgrade those LS50’s this year or next to the new KEF Blade2 (or the better fitting Reference 1).
In the office, I now have the CODA 07x connected to both the KRELL Duo 175XD and the CODA #8. I like the KRELL a little more for both my SR1a headphones and my Thiel CS3.7. The KRELL is a smoother and sounds more like the CODA #16 to me. It must be the Class A that both have amps in common over the CODA #8.
A new wrinkle to my setup occurred last weekend when I heard the new dedicated RAAL SR1 amp called the VM-1a. It is better than either the CODA #8 or the KRELL 175XD paired with the CODA 07x. I considered my setup as good as you can get with the SR1a, but I now realize there is a tiny bit of inefficiency when using a 2-channel amp with the SR1a. The VM-1a is a dedicated direct drive headphone amp ($6500) that only works with the SR1a.
During the last 3 days I had my CODA #8 for sale to fund the VM-1a and also because a second amp 2-cheannel amp in the office is now redundant. However, last night I pulled the ad because I already missed the CODA #8 and put it back into my office system. I will keep it even though it is not really needed.
When the KEF Blade2 arrive, I could consider trading the #8 for the #16. My dealer will give me 100% for that trade-in.