My apologies for the incorrect information. I've only owned the No.8 that has no switch(es). I looked of a picture of the back of a No 16 since that's where the switch(es) usually are (Manley Snapper for example). I never thought to look at the front of the No 16. Nice feature making it easy to access. Again, sorry about that.
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
This beast of an amplifier, over hundred pounds with one of the largest power supplies in a single chassis design on the market, delivers 100 Class A before it crosses over into A/B. The Coda #8, is in my opinion, one of the best SS amps on the market for under ten grand. I expect, based on the run Coda is on with their new generation of gear, that the #16 will be a beautiful musical performer. We shall see! I still find it amazing based on build quality/performance that Coda's prices are so damn reasonable. Yes, the #16 will retail for around 12K, not inexpensive. However, I guarantee if this amplifier was manufactured by other high-end American or European companies it would be triple the price. If the #16 takes the already superlative performance of the #8 to another level, it will be truly a "killer" of an amplifier.
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- 136 posts total
I am in the market for a new amp for my reference system. I had LSA Voyager GAN 350 wpc class D amp in there for a good while. Lovely amp with crystalline extended highs and a beautiful midrange. However, to my ears, the midbass presence and meat on the bones still lags the best class AB and A designs. On the other end, the midrange and highs are surreal. I am considering several amps. Pass Labs X260.8 monoblocks, Audio Van Alstine 225 wpc monoblocks, or Coda #8 or #16 amps. I am intrigued by teajays reviews of these amps and also by the favorable comparisons to Pass Labs amps. To my ears, Pass Labs is solid state done right. My system consists of Spatial Audio X5 speakers, Townshend supertweeters, Jay’s Audio CD transport, Audio GD tube preamp with power regenerator, Zavfino Silver Dart ICs, Grover Huffman Pharoah speaker cables, and a Puritan 156 power conditioner. I have run for amps the LSA Voyager GAN and also Ampzilla 200 wpc modded monoblocks. |
@jaymark We had the same modded Voyager amp. I sold mine sometime back because I decided to keep the CODA #8 over the Voyager. Not saying the CODA #8 was better than the Voyager. Just that I had another amp that I thought was similar to the modded Voyager, the Benchmark AHB2 monos. The CODA #16 reminded me of both the AHB2 and modded Voyager on top end but it is also very meaty. I prefer the #16 to the #8. I think it is the Class A vs AB that sways my preference. Yesterday, I sold my KRELL DUO 175XD which I thought sounded a lot like the CODA #16.
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@yyzsantabarbara I really like the Voyager GAN but after switching in the Ampzilla monoblocks, i realized its leaner tonality. It is obviously not a wpc issue cause the Ampzilla is only 200 wpc. I plan on keeping it, at least for now. |
- 136 posts total