What’s Voodoo power cords signature sounding?

What’s Voodoo’s signature sounding in your 1 or 2 words?

Which cable company that has such similar house sound to Voodoo or vice versa.

lastly, which power cord(s) model did you own?



Power cables do not make sound. The gear they power do. What they can do is deliver power reliably. Most of what happens then is up to the gear. So you want good quality wires that are up to the task. Don’t cheap out and don’t go overboard, at least to start. Power amps do best with power cords that can deliver more current better. Shielding also can help. Line level and phono gear do best with cords that are shielded. Current delivery is not an issue. Those are the fundamentals. Beyond that it is hit or miss and YMMV. Wires are the simplest things in the system to get right. The rest is mostly subjective. People make the mistake of correlating sound quality directly with wire cost which can easily be a costly mistake.  Common sense is always a plus. 

Power cable upgrades were arguably as big of a difference as speaker cables in my system. 

Anyone  who says power cords don’t matter hasn’t tried it and instead comes to the cable forum to release the unhappiness they feel in their lives on people trying to share info and experience.

I find it is very interesting that audiophile websites in the EU are doing testing (both analytical and blind tests) on cables, tweaks and power.  May need to use google translate for some of these pages. 



Just listened to the 12 cables playing through a couple songs.  Neither I nor my wife could hear when a cable change had been made.  With eys closed you would not be able to say if there was only 1 cable being played or any other number of cables.  Kind of proves the point that one good cable is the same as the next?

John I tried their ic many yrs ago, my recollection they are full sounding and smooth, with your HF cables and Sonus Faber Speakers, might not work. If your system is on dark side , they might add more meat darkness on your system. Cable co has them for Audition, but there is fee.