Thoughts about the "Cheapaudioman" on YouTube

This gentleman has stirred up some controversy in the audio world over on YouTube. I personally, find him very interesting.  What are your thoughts?


Cheap audioman is helping people to get right box than boomboxes.His reviews give buyer confidene when online market flooded with options. plenty of audiphile grade gears out there which are not covered by stereophiles TAS... elite High brands of Western side of globe. I decided try USD40+30(same products priced more US market) is power amp + Power supply which cheapaudio man claimed equequals Japan Brand 1k amp.  I was astounded by clean sound  soundstage.

I enjoy his channel quite a bit. It's his channel and he's entitled to his own opinion. I enjoy hearing other's  reviews regardless if I can afford the product or not. I'm sure there are plenty of folks (including myself) who enjoy watching reviews of 6-figure Wilson speakers knowing darn well you'll never get them.

There’s a lot of the fallacy that more expensive = better in this thread, to no one’s surprise.

I like that he frequently emphasizes that to "his ears" something sounds good or bad. Too many reviewers seem to think they if they like something, you should too, and that’s not the case.

His channel is great for those who don’t have much money for stuff or people new to the hobby. I say good for him, keep it up, and disregard the "audiophile" snobs.

Mr. Randall Messman, cheapman audio, is a hard working fellow who has a passion for his work-Building his youtube following. Morphed from an original max of $600 MSRP to who knows what now, he works the system and provides info to those who someday may move up the chain. If you missed his first video-done in tandem with Ron of New Record Day- you have something pretty hilarious awaiting you. Now Ron has faded as Randall has ascended. 

Cheapaudioman is very entertaining but he does push a lot of garbage which I feel is a disservice to those who are working with a tight budget.

Something about that dude Ron’s vibe completely turns me off