Audio Science Review = "The better the measurement, the better the sound" philosophy

"Audiophiles are Snobs"  Youtube features an idiot!  He states, with no equivocation,  that $5,000 and $10,000 speakers sound equally good and a $500 and $5,000 integrated amp sound equally good.  He is either deaf or a liar or both! 

There is a site filled with posters like him called Audio Science Review.  If a reasonable person posts, they immediately tear him down, using selected words and/or sentences from the reasonable poster as100% proof that the audiophile is dumb and stupid with his money. They also occasionally state that the high end audio equipment/cable/tweak sellers are criminals who commit fraud on the public.  They often state that if something scientifically measures better, then it sounds better.   They give no credence to unmeasurable sound factors like PRAT and Ambiance.   Some of the posters music choices range from rap to hip hop and anything pop oriented created in the past from 1995.  

Have any of audiogon (or any other reasonable audio forum site) posters encountered this horrible group of miscreants?  


"So much for you all being open and accepting of other folks....."
Have you been thrown off this site like a number of us were on yours? What a hypocrite.


I find it funny that this thread instigated an owner of another site to come here and defend himself and his site.

But how convenient to leave topics he has no idea about and only reply to those which are close to his heart. Never discussed about my last post here on why everyone hears the same sound differently.

Also, what's the point of measuring so many electronics? I don't think he runs a charity. Everyone has got a reason. I don't believe he is doing community service, cause I have seen after every measurement he asks for charity.

And this same poster says that Audiogon members are "biased". But the he measures the equipment and claims to listen to them. How does bias not set in at that point? After all he is a ordinary human being and bias is in human nature.

I could ignore you all but thought there was so much misinformation that I should stop by and clarify. As I have shown, nothing in OP is accurate or correct. He starts with confusing me with another reviewer for heaven sake! 

The rest of your post I test far more than electronics.  The list includes 250 speakers and 113 IEMs/Headphones for example.  Electronics dominate because that is what folks send to me for testing and there are so many of them.  I also test a bunch of audio tweaks from USB filters to power cables and conditioners.  Folks send them to me and I test them.

I don't run a charity. It is a hobby that I enjoy which happens to create a lot of value for audiophiles. ASR is a joint venture between membership and I. They send me a ton of gear to test.  There is fair bit of expense in packing and shipping products back. Small percentage of the membership donates money toward this cause and also because they get a lot of value from the site. 

The approach is distinct from the standard model of companies sending products to reviewers. It gives me freedom to express any views I like. And unlike subjective reviews, measurements speak for themselves.  So even with manufacturer sent gear, there is strong checks and balances.

The effort has resulted in change in the industry with more and more companies adopting objective measurements in their design cycles. Those who have not, risk falling behind.

Audiophiles have been exceptionally supportive. We have grown to one of the top audio sites in the world.  

As to bias, see what you are doing? If I say I don't listen, you complain that I don't.  If say I do, you still complain.  Which way do you want it?  Well I tell you: look at the objective measurements, null tests, knowledge of technology that are the lead in every review.

As to what topics I answer, I have answered a ton already. The format of the forum makes it hard to write replies or I would do a lot more.  Then again, if this isn't enough, not sure more would help get some folks' heads out of the sand.

But sure, in your next post instead of complaining and throwing rocks, clearly state what question you want me to answer.  There is no technical topic that I am afraid of engaging in.  




Have you compared the components of the equipment sent to you by Yang with actual off the shelf components?

Why do you not review reliability? There is a thread on ASR where 39%of Topping amp owners complain about problems. You disappeared and John Yang ran away.

Why do you allow Yang to come on your site and rubbish manufacturers and designers?

There are three to start off with that you ignored before."We have grown to one of the top audio sites in the world. " I won't comment on this but am chuckling to myself.


Please, continue give us better and better measurements of audio products. Especially speakers real-life behaviour. Fine to discuss subjective impressions but I want facts.


In other cases such as speakers and headphones, perfection is not remotely there


I think your disconnect is that you believe marketing hype

I think YOUR disconnect is you believe your own hype

You know, what every audio company claims with out a single shred of proof.  No listening tests for example that demonstrates anything.

You just made that up, for example you must know how Harman tests speakers and other products with blind listening tests. Do you think they invented it?

What is remarkable is that in audio, person after person comes to the defense of manufacturers,

You mean instead of attacking them like you do?

So much money is wasted because consumers have put their guard down completely and joined the other camp!

I could say the same thing, so much money has been wasted by the members of ASR on worthless name badges for their avatars, they could have saved so much money. Why do they come to the defense of someone writing sloppy reviews?

Show them independent testing and they scuff at that.  "Oh, this means nothing can be invented then.

You do "independent" testing? Please post a link to something of yours in a peer reviewed journal like AES. Science, etc. BTW, links to the patents you have filed on your inventions would be nice too.

You might think you can hear my toilet flush from where you live, but you can't really.

That analogy just got a headless panther and it is starting to sound a bit desperate. I will cut you some slack but please, let's not go there, OK?

 Why not spend your extra cash on music? Or a nice meal?  Or a vacation?  Must you go and waste it away on some new power cable? A DAC?  Why oh why?

We are not all "financially independent" audio dealers like you that believe the subjective experience is a "fantasy" as you describe it. If you are so interested in my money start a new website, maybe "How to Get Rich Selling Subjective Fantasy's" (or name badges). It sounds very demeaning when you come here as a guest and proceed to start telling the actual members how to spend their money after flaunting your wealth in a previous post.