Record collecting versus hoarding

At what point does "collecting" records become hoarding? Unless you are in the business of selling records either primarily or even secondarily, why do so many people here talk about having 2,3,4,6,10,000 records and CDs? It's not stamps or coins.

Let's say you listen to records 15 hours a week (a good estimate for me) that equates to about 750 hours a year or 1000 records a year. I like to listen to mine at least once every three months - I have 300 records and change. In the rare instance when I replace one for a better sounding one (I've done it maybe 4-5 times), I immediately sell the old one - with only one exception. The Sgt Pepper UHQR. I already had it on the Beatles Collection and do occasionally listen to it when I want a treat. It does sound better than the regular Mofi one, which sounds great to me.

Why would you have multiple copies of the same record and not just listen to the best sounding one and sell the rest?

Why would you want records you listen to less than once a year?

Maybe some people listen a lot more than me (and replace cartridges/styli pretty ofter or have a bunch of them)?

The reason I bring this up is because Acoustic Sounds is releasing Steely Dan's studio albums from the 1970s on their UHQR brand (not sure how they now own the name and not Mofi, but that is not the point), I am a huge fan and will be getting a few of these overpriced (IMHO) records, which will replace a few of my non-audiophile (except the Aja Mofi) records. I plan to sell the Aja Mofi immediately after getting the UHQR, which I am sure will sound much better. That is worth a few bucks, but the others I sell should be worth $10-15 in trade at a record store.

Anyone with records they play less than once a year or keep multiple pressings of a single album, please let me know your rationale.

Are you a hoarder? Too lazy to get rid of them? Like the way they decorate your room?


Soko, If I have a particular LP in mind, I can usually recall when I bought it.  The upstairs LPs are ones I have owned longest.  Or there is some other temporal or musical association that tells me where to look.  For another example, I have a large cache of jazz vocals in one cabinet in our basement.  Anyway, however the mind works, I usually know where to look. There has been a bit of a problem with remembering what I own and where it is to be found since I acquired those 900 LPs at one go.  But those are all in the basement, in one cabinet specially built for them.

Mijo, Probably not a good idea to pipe "God Only Knows" into your examination room, when you are seeing a patient who is actually sick. (I know from my own limited experience in clinic that most aren't sick.)


This is a very interesting question and one I have been asking myself. 
I always collected music and went from Vinyl to cassettes, to CDs and back to VInyl, this last change may happen a little late so I did not have the opportunity to acquire collections from people getting rid of them. That said, I lived for 3 years in Louisville KY where there were two stores that were pretty much giving their records away for 25-50 cents. So I bought a good amount of records without being too careful about their condition.  The rest of my collection is from my original personal collection, new copies and eBay purchases, and the occasional yard sale. I think I got to about 3,100 records but I am always gravitating on around 1,500 fo them, I have listened to another 300 and I am wondering If I will ever listen to the rest. I mean, we are talking about a thousand of those that I have not listened d to, they have been gathering dust for 4 years and some are in VGish condition.  So my question is why do I keep them when I am already having trouble getting my collection in order or out of the way.... Is it worth it? Will I ever play them?  Most likely not... I think my game plan is to sell them and use the money to buy some high-quality recordings or new high-quality remastered versions, Less clutter, more quality. Right?

@sokogear ,You don't sing in the shower? 

As space is limited the inferior versions on vinyl go into storage, the ones in digital files get erased. I'll get a remaster of a favorite and erase whichever one is inferior. I have both digital and vinyl copies of many albums. I like the vinyl but I only play the computer when in the shop or garage for obvious reasons. It is also fun to compare the digital and analog versions. I do not sell anything.

@lewm , in 40 years nobody has complained. Very serious conversations took place in my office with the volume turned off, the ones you never want to have.