Rather removed from the typical subject matter discussed here, I feel compelled to boast about the all too brief meeting I had earlier today with Tom Thiel - who is the new owner of the pair of CS 2.4’s we transacted for.
To say the least, Tom is one of the most intrepid people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. After a quick listen and equally quick conversation regarding Theil and such, he was off to pick up another pair of Theils not too far from my place. I myself have traveled to some appreciably distant points to procure Thiels in the past, my very first pair of CS3.5’s were located in Massachusetts - a 250 mile four-to-five hour excursion depending on traffic.
Such is what we do, isn’t it?
While I am currently astray from having Thiel in my setup, the Maggie MMG’s and REL sub I replaced the CS2.4’s for are more than a merely decent substitute. I have decided that I will continue with these until such a time arises that I may be able to buy yet ANOTHER pair of my absolute favorite model, the CS 3.5. This isn’t 20/20 hindsight as much as it is 20/20 regret for ever having sold off the three pairs that I once had. The CS 3.5 just does everything right for my humble ears.
I am prepared, and fully aware of the fact that such a prospect will be of the upgraded version Tom has been hinting at - and I will be more than willing to pay the price. I believe I’ve uttered a couple of noteworthy opinions in this forum over the years, and either, and both still hold true - that Thiel is an investment, not merely a purchase, and that Thiel is essentially Magneplanar with BASS.
Carry on folks!