Off to see Bill Thalmann? Cool. I was in touch with Bill about the possibility of upgrading my CJ amps. I ended up going another way but I still may send him mine someday for a V-Cap upgrade.
Rather removed from the typical subject matter discussed here, I feel compelled to boast about the all too brief meeting I had earlier today with Tom Thiel - who is the new owner of the pair of CS 2.4’s we transacted for. Such is what we do, isn’t it?
While I am currently astray from having Thiel in my setup, the Maggie MMG’s and REL sub I replaced the CS2.4’s for are more than a merely decent substitute. I have decided that I will continue with these until such a time arises that I may be able to buy yet ANOTHER pair of my absolute favorite model, the CS 3.5. This isn’t 20/20 hindsight as much as it is 20/20 regret for ever having sold off the three pairs that I once had. The CS 3.5 just does everything right for my humble ears. I am prepared, and fully aware of the fact that such a prospect will be of the upgraded version Tom has been hinting at - and I will be more than willing to pay the price. I believe I’ve uttered a couple of noteworthy opinions in this forum over the years, and either, and both still hold true - that Thiel is an investment, not merely a purchase, and that Thiel is essentially Magneplanar with BASS.
Carry on folks! |
@oblgny , While the Thiel's and the Magnaplanars have an uncanny resemblance when it comes to transient response (though the Maggies are planars they are still techically dynamic speakers), and the Maggies though more coherent than most, are not quite as coherent as the Thiels, but the dispersion characteristics are very different (point source vs. dipole).. Both would make my short list. You might want consider Magnaplanar's new subwoofer with dispersion characteristics that are meant to compliment the Maggies.