Break-In? Burn-in? Relaxing the cables? Releasing dialectric tension - Say What?
Just swapped out 3-week old Clear Reflection interconnects with 200+hrs on them for a 2nd brand new pair with (0) hours time on them. Put the new pair in the exact same source/input spot to prove something in reverse about break-in on these too.
Reverse Test:
- Hour-1 Results: back to grainy, closed in, compressed sound stage, not smooth, less tone, less timbre, not enjoyable to listen to new.
- Hour-24: still grainy, a mild opening of the sound stage, a little more tone, a little more detail, weight coming through. Piano not as bad.
- New is not as engaging or "natural" sounding as the prior 3-week pair with 200hrs on them. Hands down there is a difference.
Same result as former coiled-up Cardas in a bag or box, and a few other brands tested. There can be a real benefit of giving Clear Reflections a few weeks of time to uncoil, relax, settle in place before things begin to sound "right". Give it 3+weeks before making a premature judgement. Things do change, give it time, fwiw.