Do you have evidence supporting the claim that amps which measure better than tube (or Pass Labs) amps are preferred by a high percentage of audiophiles because they are more true to the source?
No one has done such side by side testing. If anyone should do that, is Pass Labs given the huge premium they charge for their amplifiers. If they sound better, then it should be trivial to perform controlled tests to show that. Alas, not only do they not provide such a listening test, no do any other amplifier companies. So much for "it is the sound that matters." In really, it is the marketing that matters.
To be clear, I have not test any Pass Lab commercial product. I did test his "ACA" DIY amplifier design and thought it was a distortion factory. I am confident I can put together a test that shows it to perform very poorly against some other amplifiers without all of its flaws.