Luxman 509x vs Hegel H390

The shortlist is mainly coming down to these two genuinely great amps.

What sets them apart in SQ overall & how would you describe the sound signature for each one.





Both quality products.

Hegel 390 may be better value. Includes streamer, DAC 250wpc, insane damping factor. $6,500. Plain looking.

Lux 509- Has all the TT inputs, tone, balance, meters & beauty. Also better SQ. 120wpc. $10k.

Hegel is a little dry by comparison. 

If you had a larger room with speakers that want power the Hegel may be the one.

Otherwise your desired SQ description sounds like the Lux.


Good input guys. For comparison purposes with the Lux and Hegel , listened to some demos with the Moon Audio 600i V2 & although spatially more expansive, it just does not have the smooth sweetness of note contours displayed by the others. In fact , I would safely bet. at least for my music tastes, the MA 600i to get rather tiresome in time. 

So, the process of elimination leaves in the Lux and Hegel while striking out other equally well rated amps with significantly different sound signatures. 

The Luxman just looks like such a piece! Not of s..t. Haha. Heirloom quality and the  Hegel looks like a Denon home theater receiver. That being said if sound quality equal Luxman all day. 

I’m sure the Hegel is fantastic and great build quality before I get berated. Very understated look.

If only Hegel made the H390 in Silver , might go some ways to reduce trade ins as aesthetics is a serious consideration at this price point. The Luxman 509x is veritable tank construction and at 63 lbs, would need to check rack shelves can handle this load.