Anyone heard new Zu Union 6?

The new Zu union 6 has been out a month or so now. Anyone heard a pair yet?


I’ve been following this insightful thread. Currently taking a strong look at these speakers.

@whoopycat did you end up keeping these? Any thoughts after break-in?

@kray feel free to add any more observations. I’m sure I’m not the only following this informative thread. I’m prefer a huge soundstage that you mentioned, but wary that I may encounter listener fatigue after an extended listening session.

@toro3 I'm using a R2R NOS DAC, the sonnet morpheus, so I rarely if ever get listener fatigue. 

These Zu's are great at exposing your equipment. Change something and you can hear it pretty easy. And like most of this hobby, synergy is a major key. My amps are 12wpc Class A Valvet E3 (I upgraded from the E2) and two single ended flea watt tube amps. beautiful combos with the Zu's. Along the lines of exposing... you aren't going to get a bad recording to sound great, but great recordings are what makes me love this hobby. beautiful immersion into the music, very lifelike. 

@kray that was an incredibly helpful post. I owe you either a beer or cup of coffee. Much appreciated!

no problem @toro3  😄

If you're ever in Sarasota I'll take you up on that

Listening to Muddy Waters - Folk Singer now... eerily/spooky good recording

Thanks for the feedback on this thread. I have started looking at high efficiency speakers to go with tube amps. I have narrowed my search down to Tekton Perfect Set, Zu Union 6 and Omega XR8. Also, giving consideration to Heresy IV, but am interested in the full range driver options. I have a Decware UFO2 on order, but it could be a year before I see that. In the meantime I’m debating between some other tube amps like the Willsenton R8 or R300B, Black Ice Audio F11, or Cayin CS-55a. 

I’m probably overthinking this entire scenario and will likely be happy with whatever I choose. My lack of experience with these brands and the limited feedback available in the wild on them  is probably what’s causing my hesitation. But thanks again for sharing your experience with speakers.