Thoughts about the "Cheapaudioman" on YouTube

This gentleman has stirred up some controversy in the audio world over on YouTube. I personally, find him very interesting.  What are your thoughts?


@langelo68 I watch Tarun more often than not when his videos come out. I’m not into everything he auditions, but I do like his calm, decaffeinated demeanor, lol. I like Thomas, too. Zero Fidelity reviewed what I consider to be a "Holy Grail" piece for me: The Classe Delta pre/amp. *Oooooh,,,,,,,Daddy likey!*

Randy usually looks like he’s hungover.



IMO calling him a sellout is completely unfair.

I mean he completely changed. What he used to make fun of he has become. Him refusing to pronounce Schiit out of fear of losing a few bucks is too cringey for me.

If he would have started his channel with his current sentiments of monetizing everything and begging for donations, I would not have called him a sellout. 


i like him and i’m really stoked for him because very few normal working stiffs can parlay ’talking about gear online’ into an actual career. like i just want to root for him. it’s really cool what he’s done.

not sure whether i trust his judgment as much as some others because i don’t get how he can review so much equipment so quickly. the turnaround time was just insane awhile back - the guy is listening to 3, 5, 7 new pieces a week and drawing these quick conclusions...all i know is i couldn’t do that myself. i’m also more interested in equipment that he doesn’t cover these days (because it’s not cheap), but i like his channel. i'd drink a beer with him 

but i like his channel. i’d drink a beer with him

This I believe is his genius/gift. He has the rare ability to convince people that he is their good friend/drinking buddy. His new wrist watch channel will be popular for the same reason.

Personality he is 10/10. 

Skill as an audio reviewer 3/10 

He created a large enough YouTube following to allow him to quit his day job and play with audio equipment all day.  He is smarter than all of us.