Thoughts about the "Cheapaudioman" on YouTube

This gentleman has stirred up some controversy in the audio world over on YouTube. I personally, find him very interesting.  What are your thoughts?


IMO calling him a sellout is completely unfair.

I mean he completely changed. What he used to make fun of he has become. Him refusing to pronounce Schiit out of fear of losing a few bucks is too cringey for me.

If he would have started his channel with his current sentiments of monetizing everything and begging for donations, I would not have called him a sellout. 


i like him and i’m really stoked for him because very few normal working stiffs can parlay ’talking about gear online’ into an actual career. like i just want to root for him. it’s really cool what he’s done.

not sure whether i trust his judgment as much as some others because i don’t get how he can review so much equipment so quickly. the turnaround time was just insane awhile back - the guy is listening to 3, 5, 7 new pieces a week and drawing these quick conclusions...all i know is i couldn’t do that myself. i’m also more interested in equipment that he doesn’t cover these days (because it’s not cheap), but i like his channel. i'd drink a beer with him 

but i like his channel. i’d drink a beer with him

This I believe is his genius/gift. He has the rare ability to convince people that he is their good friend/drinking buddy. His new wrist watch channel will be popular for the same reason.

Personality he is 10/10. 

Skill as an audio reviewer 3/10 

He created a large enough YouTube following to allow him to quit his day job and play with audio equipment all day.  He is smarter than all of us. 

The problem is it’s obvious he started his channel prior to obtaining any relevant points of reference. His experience with even “mid-fi” gear was limited. He has since gained some experience with higher end components, but it’s too late to adopt new philosophies after amassing that many subscribers. He’s boxed in now, but I doubt he cares, his followers are netting him money.