"The Exodus of Authenticity."
Nice expression. It does seem as if everyone's got an angle these days, but someone delivering a pizza is not the same as someone recording a rock album or playing a concert.
Nor was it the same when certain multinational companies seemed to be condoning the illegal actions of the likes of BLM not so long ago.
Anyway, it would appear as if even art is not exempt from the vagaries of politics manoeuvering.
Perhaps it never was, and that's why satire became popular.
Thankfully under capitalism the poor beleaguered, continuously targeted consumers still have the final choice where to spend their money.
If you don't like what Waters is saying then don't give him your money.
On the other nor should you be telling him what he can or cannot say at his own concerts.
Anyone who goes to a Bob Dylan concert knows that Bob is going to deliver the concert HE wants to and not what YOU might want to him to.
It's been that way since 1965.