Another one (server) bites the dust! Aurender N10 vs. N200

Well, my Musicvault that has served me SO well for a long, long time has begun to serve up errors. My needs and desires for a new server/streamer seem to be met by Aurender's N series and I'm curious if anyone can comment on the sonic differences between the N10 and the N200 for serving and streaming....They're both in my budget.

Mostly, it looks like the N200 has better power isolation and the N10 has a better clock. I imagine that doesn't tell the whole story, though. 

Can you serve up some sensible subjective sonic experiences (please and thank you)?


It sounds better than any CD player drive I have ever used.   Using it with two different DACs through both types of connections delivered excellent sound.  

Money well spent in my set up.  

@oddiofyl thanks for the insight, support definitely counts. money well spent indeed!

@blisshifi i hear (read) you. i'm stuck a little on the oven clock, too. everything making a difference, i'm not intuitive or educated enough to know how to weight one piece of the the path/what step makes the most difference. that said, all things to reduce jitter and isolate the signal makes some sense to me, but Isn't it odd that a needle scritching across plastic sounds so good! Anyway, not to argue/open that can of worms - I like both (it's a floor wax, it's a dessert topping...).

Seriously, straight dope, there's so much attention to clocks and reclocking - it seems so basic that a significant amount of sonic attention be paid there - the OXCO doesn't offer a significant difference in coherence and delivery over the TXCO? Maybe that another can of worms with all the attendant pathway tech talk that will cloud my eyes and mind over and make a wishlist of the ineffable musical which is all the gravity pulling our individual audiolove.

Your website is easy enough to find. I'll ring you up.

@budburma Sure, happy to chat. I have some time later this morning. I have some good stuff to share on clocking that may help you make your decision. 

Update. Aurender has made some updates and the connection between the N200 and Android Tab is rock solid

@budburma I was just talking to someone about the N200 vs the N10 today and was reminded of this thread. Did you ever move forward one way or another? Curious to hear where you landed.