I just revisited another older thread on ASR where someone posted the measurements of the Joseph Audio Pulsar speakers.
The general response to the measurements by the ASR crowd in that thread was "meh, not bad, not great, look at these problems...over-priced."
This is similar to the response to the Devore speakers I mentioned earlier.
If I’d used enthusiasms of the ASR members as my guide to speakers there’s no reason I ever would have pursued either the Devore or Joseph speakers. (And ended up with Genelec or KEF etc lauded in that forum). And yet after a huge speaker audition binge they stood out head and shoulders as my favorite. I found each to be very special in their own way. And in fact I found the descriptions in subjective reviews absolutely NAILED the sonic characteristics I heard in those speakers. Which, again, is why I still can find worth in subjective reports not just measurements.
Keep in mind, that above is not to say "therefore measurements aren’t useful or don’t tell you anything" or that the ASR members were wrong in interpreting issues in the measurements that would be audible. But rather, there is the wider context about our individual goals and tastes.