Roger Waters Live Last Night in Glendale,AZ

My first concert in a while. Last was Sia. 

Roger has a message for his audience

that comes with the music. Somewhat off-putting

I must say. I went for music not politics. Not saying

I totally disagree with his. F-bombs galore. All our presidents

past and current are mass murderers. Could be a bit strong.

He is 79 and British.  Has some fun stories. I can live without

the other messages though. Is this messaging common nowadays?


Going to a Roger Waters concert it entertainment. He is an actor on a stage. Nothing more. He is not going to change the course of history or effect the world order in any way. His music gives you the first hint as to what his show is all about. Anyone showing up and finding him surprising is little sheltered. But, regardless of what his performance portrays, it is just entertainment. 


And, as a performing artist, he can use his platform however he pleases.

I find the suggestion that his early childhood experiences have played out in his perceptive very interesting. We’re all very heavily influenced in that way, which is kind of scary when you look at the breakdown of the family structure.

My heart goes out to all the families that’ve been so affected by the war machine.


Read about his childhood.

His father was killed in World War II when Roger was 5 months old. As you research Roger you begin to understand why a man would grow to have the beliefs he did. Roger has resented the fact that he never knew his father and blamed what each of us would. 

Each of us has our own feelings about Roger's politics but knowing why allows a lot of understanding and certainly forgiveness in what we disagree with. 


I don’t agree with Waters’ positions and viewpoints on many things. However, he can call out American Imperialism and "war crimes" (perhaps an overstatement if you are American but not if you were an Indian when we came in and slaughtered them to take their land or an Iraqi when we bombed them, knocked out their government and let Iran move in under false pretenses). Is he wrong? Perhaps not as we understand the term, but perhaps in a broader sense.

I love my country and I think Waters does too. I live with our country’s past, present and future and, based upon all of it, believe we are the greatest, most well intentioned and beneficent country in the world. That doesn’t mean Waters cannot speak of undeniable facts that are part of our history and provide an artist’s viewpoint as disagreeable or overstated or even wrong as it may be. He has a viewpoint that is unorthodox on certain issues. But he is very insightful on other issues. Most importantly, he is an artist who makes great music (sometimes) that comes from his heart and mind and I go to his concerts to listen and watch.

Van Morrison has turned into a bit of an old cranky, nutty boy.  I disagree with him on many things. But I like him as a singer. So I continue to buy his albums and go to his shows.

If someone doesn’t like Waters--do you think he cares? If someone doesn’t like Springsteen because of his politics, do you think he cares? If someone doesn’t like Lee Greenwood, Kid Rock or Ted Nugent because of their viewpoints, do you think they care?

Well they know what they are doing and they are prepared to lose a part of their audience for it-- and if you don’t like it ---then I’m sure as far as they are all concerned, you can go to the bar and do whatever..

Tons of people had horrible life experiences but not all of them turned into a**holes. Plain and simple truth. What matters is the allegiance we ascribe to them to back up our own moral deficiencies and use them as a shield for our lack of understanding and inability to convey it.

All the best,