5 Dumb Things Audiophiles Believes.

So funny and so, so true, at least point number 5. 



I actually like Ron from NRD and have been watching him for a long time. I have yet to find ANY Audio Reviewer that I really like, and arrogance seems to be a COMMON TRAIT amongst all audiophiles, even in these forums. 

"...and arrogance seems to be a COMMON TRAIT amongst all audiophiles, even in these forums."

So True!

I've watched several of his videos and he seems sensible. And his emphasis on speaker placement and room treatment is spot on, especially given his target audience of more entry level hobbyists.
He is a refreshing respite from the "everything is a breakthrough" echo chamber of high-end reviewers. And he does at least try to be entertaining.

"Duck Dynasty look ", that’s what was bugging me. I believe Ron is sincere in his

beliefs about all things audio. He helped Danny Richie of GR Research start his

YouTube channel a few years ago. But that DD look is really distracting.