Abbingdon Music Research CD-77 impressions?

Now that it's been out a little while, anyone care to post your listening impressions?
I just took delivery of the CD-77 last night - a demo from RMAF, but not fully broke in. Karel really nailed it on the character of this machine and it's hard to believe futher improvements are in store with more hours. At CES last Jan. I spent four days scouting all contenders for my next digital, and to my ears the AMR CD-77 was unparalled in both sound and build quality. Don't think I'll be listening to my SME 30/2,V, Jan Allaerts setup nearly as much anymore.

If you want to junk that SME30/2,V,Jan Allarerts, I will be glad to take it off your hands! The AMR CD-77 is very good, but I would find it very hard to believe that it would sound better than your analog setup.
Thanks to everyone for their impressions...sounds much like what the 6 Moons review concluded.
Has anybody used it as a DAC for computer-based audio? I'm getting a demo unit this week to have for a few days. I currently have a Wavelength Audio Crimson DAC. It will be compared to that, running Itunes off of a Mac-Mini.

Hi David,
I seem to recall from earlier posts that you're in Chicago; where did you get the demo? Also, does this suggest some dissatisfaction with the Crimson?