Upsampling, Can there be too much?

I've owned the Chord Mscaler for a year and loved it, but recently added two new components that have built in upsampling: The Aurender W20SE, and the Jay's Audio CDT3-MK3. I find the Mscaler works well with the Aurender's built in upsampling, but not the Jay's.


Conclusion: not upsampling the Jay's, and standard redbook 16-bit 44Khz to the Mscaler gives incredible 24-bit 705Khz to the Hugo TT2 DAC for finest sound.


With multiple upsamplers in a chain has anyone gotten static, popping, smearing, or any kind of distortion from too much upsampling?



I hope you’re certainly not suggesting that results from consumer grade up-sampler is on par with mastering done in a professional studio? 


In this discussion, we are not talking about mastering in pro studio. My initial post was in context of upsampling at consumer grade level, which nets nothing; all that perceived detail is nothing but a form of distortion.

I do see your point, a DSD file professionally up sampled in a mastering studio probably carries more legitimate info across the spectrum. Personally, I prefer to listen files in its native resolution. 

Well, in the past (around late '80s) we do have 8x oversampling CD players.  That means we are very accustomed to 16bit 352.8KHz sound signatures.


Personally I tested myself on a headphone, anything more than 24/176.4 makes no difference to me.


IMO having 24/352 is perfectly fine.  And I like upsampling music playback, NOS sounded a bit rough to my ears, but some people swear by it as some holy grail DAC mode.  Definitely subjective opinion here.

I like upsampling music playback, NOS sounded a bit rough to my ears, but some people swear by it as some holy grail DAC mode. Definitely subjective opinion here.

Agreed, unquestionably subjective. Some listeners do not like up/over sampling due to algorithms/mathematical use and subsequent manipulated-recreated or reconstruction of the signal. So definitely alternative approaches preferred by different listeners. Thankfully options of choice exist.
