To blisshifi and tvad:
Thanks to you both for good thoughts and opinions based on your experiences. It sort of goes down to solid state or tube. In my own reduction to some of the ones left on my list, I've narrowed down to a Bricasti, the T+A DAC 200, or one of two Lampizators. Since I'm certain I'll be buying blind it makes it tough. I won't get an opportunity to try them first in my system. So the solid state worry is the nagging "high frequency characteristics" that you refer to, tvad. With a solid state DAC, there isn't even the possibility of slight modifications via tube rolling. Barring a change in other parts of the system, the solid state is what it is. And the criticisms of the Lampizators, besides their appearance, seem to be an opinion of a slightly soft, aging DAC system that is being passed by other DAC entries. It still holds charm from what I've read and heard from fans. tvad: Have you ever listened to the Atlantic? Compared to B3? My budget could go up from the B3 if there were clear reasons and I did decide to go with the Polish tube...