I know you have a very high-end T+A Dac system. My question: have you spent any time listening to the DAC200? I spoke with Elliot from T&A NA and he has been very helpful. He also directed me to the very good review recently done:
Here is what I wrote him in our correspondence:
"I read the very good review. I am now down to the choice of two DACs (from eliminating over 20 on the list):
T+A DAC 200
Lampizator Atlantic TRP
I know these are very different DACs. I'll finalize this hard choice in a couple of weeks. Due to time demands and the fact that whatever I listen to in a showroom isn't my system, esp. when differences at this level of DAC become personal taste and nuances, I am being guided by many reviews, calls, and emails to users. I think I've reduced my "big mistake" possibility about as far as this process can go! It has narrowed down to these two well-regarded units."
"At some point, I'll just have to plunk down and commit. As far as the DAC 200, I know there is the positive review you sent me but I sure wish I had additional support for that or, even better, someone who could reflect comparisons in a musical way. The reviewer of the article spent a lot of time talking about the technical prowess of the DAC 200 but not as much in detailing tone quality (super important), soundstage, analogue-like descriptions, etc. It's the sound comparison that will be the leap of faith in the end."
So, blissfhifi (or anyone else), I was wondering if you had any opinion about the tonal qualities or any other descriptions that might give more insight into the musical positive attributes of the DAC200?... Thanks.