Friend, you should know by now, the YouTube is chock full of individuals who don’t have a clue. They draw people in with a catch. This guy’s audience is likely young millennials who couldn’t hope to afford ‘high-end’ gear. They love to hear that it generally all sounds the same. To be truthful, many of us audiophiles do become terribly biased too. We make differences huge, when they are not - which definitely hurts credibility. Just because a component, say a DAC, costs 20k, the likelihood that it sounds infinitely better, commensurate with the huge price delta, is small. I know a guy who insists that his Vizio soundbar system which sits in a small garage space sounds about as good as a high-end system. Of course he is wrong 😑 BUT, you know what, his soundbar system sounds VERY good lol! There are a few reasonsfor this; First he listens with the sound waves flowing outside, meaning a lot less resonances screwing up the sound. Second, a sub. If anything, his system has reinforced my belief that i would see huge improvements in my system with a sub. The lower frequencies add so much presence and density to the music. Third, he supplements with rear surround speakers. Sure, I know what you will say, but my believe is that the best sound systems of the future will be multi-channel and not two-channel. I think most of us know this, its just the daunting task of affording a multi-channel system of Magicos for example, requiring multiples of amps, cables etc. to say nothing of the challenges setting it all up in a living environment.