Basic Roon Question

Lots of starts and fits in my digital journey . . . I keep migrating back to 100% vinyl listening due to inferior quality and user experience. I can set up a turntable like nobody's business but I'm an IT neophyte. 

I have no interest or budget to seek vinyl-quality sound, or to burn CDs, or build a digital library. A friend has brought over a server in the past so I am aware how local files can sound pretty darn good. But it's not for me. The convenience of streaming with Roon's interface is what appeals, and I'm looking to give digital another go.

Since I don't plan on storing music do I still need a Roon Core? Will a Roon-ready player work OK for streaming Qobuz on its own without causing frustration over app/speed/etc. issues?

I have some Roon-ready players in mind and believe my home network is robust enough. And I have an ethernet port nearby to support it. The one review I've read where Steve Huff was using an Innuos Zen Mini by itself as a Roon streamer was not very positive. However, it was a review intended to trumpet the Roon Nucleus (and did involve local files). I'd like some further insight and any you can share is much appreciated! Thanks


Roon has to have a core to work.  

Once you commit to roon, you will want a stand alone core, whether it be a ROCK, a Nucleus, or Roon Core running on Windows.  I've gone with the former.

Roon has a free trial.  You can install the core on your laptop (or better on a wired desktop if possible), and then install the control ap on either your laptop or your phone.

Your roon ready player (streamer generally) will be your "endpoint".    Go to "settings"  "audio" to enable your endpoint.  It should show as attached to your core.  

It may be a bit confusing when you install because there is one install program.  You will be asked during the install if you want to install the control program, the core, or the endpoint.   

I use the Zen Mini with Roon and have no issues with either performance or sound quality. Roon is worth the subscription price, IMHO.

And, no, you don't need a Roon Core to play Qobuz with a Roon capable streamer (like the Innuos). I have local files, but Qobuz is just so darn good that I don't even bother with playing my files.

If you have a good/stable internet connection you should not encounter any problems.
