What is the Best Sounding Stand Mount Speaker in the world?

Price no object.

Brand and Model is adequate.

If you have not listened to it,  please restrain yourself.


I raise this question because there is a maker claiming

to be the best. I am curious if it will garner votes. 

Conclusion out tomorrow!! 

Stay tuned!!!



Response Recap in no particular order-


1.PMC MB2 $73,800

2.Wilson Benesch Endeavour 3zero $74,000

3.MBL Radialstrahler 120 $24,000

4.Borresen M1 $100,000.  Plain 01  a mere  $30,000

5.SCM 300 ASL Pro (Active) $44,000

6. Graham LS 5/5 $25,000

7.Sonus Faber  Guarneri Tradition $15,100

8.Focal Diablo Utopia 3  $15,000

9.Dutch & Dutch 8C (Active) $12,500

10.Alta Audio Celesta $15,000


No one voted for the self proclaimed "Best Stand Mount in the World"!

We are missing a couple brands I expected votes for.

I am extending this another day. Euros please chime in.






GIve us a hint Jeff!! lol. How much approx is the self proclaimed best stand mount in the world? 

Wow! I just looked up those Borresen M1. I was expecting something way more impressive looking for 100k. Cabinet is made of good ole wood.  

Post removed 

I can give you some hints which should make it easy.

1.  Made in USA

2. MSRP $9,000

3. I share the same first name.


Drum roll....Anybody?