Of course I understand economics. It is feasible for me at my age and station to acquire more expensive (and in my opinion) better quality cabling. You do the best you can.
Back when I was in my teens and 20s, no one even spoke of boutique cabling. I was not content with the sound of my system and kept changing speakers and amps. Smog killed the rubber suspensions in my cartridges in the 70s and early 80s (in Los Angeles) so replacements were made prematurely every 3 years. I also was married in 1981 and had additional concerns. Then a critically ill wife for 11 years and a child. Funds were tight until 1998.
I did appraise two studios which used boutique cabling, among the other extraordinary studio construction (like my current listening room). The other 14 appraised studios and comparable studios I inspected generally used pro cabling like Canare, Belden and some other names I've forgotten. There were a lot of cables in the storage rooms.