Low buzzing through speaks

Hello All,


Need some serious help here. So I just (upgraded?) from a Marantz AV8802A to a McIntosh MX122 preamp. I also just got brand new Revel Performa3 speaks all around (5 channel setup). I disconnect everything from the Marantz and then into the McIntosh, connect the speaks and I have a faint buzzing through all 5 speakers (that was not there previously). I have everything plugged into a Furman Elite 20pfi power conditioner which is plugged into a dedicated 20 amp circuit. My power amp is a Simaudio Titan HT200 5 channel. This is not going through the Furman but directly into the other outlet on the same 20 amp line. I even tried plugging the Sim amp into the Furman to see if that helped-no change faint buzz is still there. I have unplugged just about everything, and the buzz is still there. It is very faint and does not get louder when I turn up the volume. Again it is faint and you have to put your ear up to the speaks to hear but it is definitely there. I have tried so many things and nothing gets rid of it. It is not my cable box (I did have that issue previously with the Marantz but as soon as I unplugged the coax from the box it went away so I just bought a coax loop eliminator connected the cable to that and noise was all gone) as I unplugged that and started there.


Any help would be so sincerely appreciated????


Thank you @dilatante and definitely noted. You all make such great cases and like I said above because of so many thoughtful, helpful, insightful, and supportive replies from all of you the outcome is now secondary and if I live with it, I will sleep much better at night and not worry about it anymore. The positivity and great support has truly been not a silver lining, a gold one! Wish I could do more but a deep sincere thank you is the most I can so humbly offer...


I already have the attenuator and ground lifter (I think they may have just arrived) so I might as well try and see? But I will now listen more closely once they're in to see if I lose any signal purity. I can always return them. Knowing this is so common and that so many live with it, and yes that mine is so inaudible except ear to tweet, I have now started to enter acceptance phase😂😁🤣. And though I can't "unhear it" (love that one @dilatante😁), I can really now wrap my brain around it thanks to all of you...

Thank you @sleepwalker65 , so are you suggesting I go to RCA IC's? 


@dilatante great point on the fully balanced. I am pretty sure both the Mac and Sim are fully balanced, I know the Sim is actually and I have to believe the Mac is as well...



You are most welcome. 


Usually most if not all Mac amps such as their monoblock amps and most of their stereo power amps are fully balanced design or true differential design but not sure about their entry level AV preamp surround processors such as your MX122, whish was based on the Marantz AV8802. Mac's flagship AV preamp surround processors such as as the MX 160/161/170 are most likely fully balanced design or true differential design. I have no clue regarding your Simaudio Titan multi-channel amp. 


Just enjoy your music and movies and forget about that faint buzz that's only noticeable from couple inches away from your speaker. 



You can correct the XLR wiring to lift the shield ground at the power amplifier end of the cable. That should be the correct and final solution. It will require that you modify the wiring on your custom XLR cables. 

Thanks for clarifying @sleepwalker65 unfortunately that is so far over my skillset I wouldn't even know where to start. Are there any other already made XLR's that you know of that could solve this issue?