5 Dumb Things Audiophiles Believes.

So funny and so, so true, at least point number 5. 



@bjoffe You should have just moved on. IPA do suck, they suck real bad. I prefer a Stout and I only have one. Had a great one in S.D. Last week at dinner. If you are in Sioux Falls check out the Granite City Food and Brewery. 



Vanilla Porter

Roasted and chocolate flavor that you’d expect from a classic Porter. Zug Zwang is a Gold Medal winner at the World Beer Championships by Tastings!

@uanmanuelfangioii Here’s the thing. I dont necessarily drink IPA’s very often (usually its blue light after hockey), but I also dont tell other people that their taste buds are wrong.

Not a huge fan of stout’s but been privy to some good ones here in Michigan. Founder’s CBS was fun for a few years. Maybe ill try to pick up a single of zug zwang and try it . . . . then I could say it sucked for me (or was the best thing I ever tasted).

He is pretty bombastic in his presentation but in most cases, I agree with his points. Not so sure about his "PRaT" spiel but he certainly has the right to his opinion. I found it mildly informative and entertaining.

Many audiophile’s don’t want real advice. He’s not arrogant at all. You only perceive him as arrogant because your ears, and mind, are closed. He’s only stating common sense. And how many actually purchase a new component as a system fix, myself included, rather than treating their room? I bet that number is at least near 90%! Why? Because room treatment’s aren’t sexy, while a shiny new component is. Now, tell me how wrong I am?