What is the Best Sounding Stand Mount Speaker in the world?

Price no object.

Brand and Model is adequate.

If you have not listened to it,  please restrain yourself.


I raise this question because there is a maker claiming

to be the best. I am curious if it will garner votes. 

Conclusion out tomorrow!! 

Stay tuned!!!



Wilson Benesch builds very competent stand mounted loudspeakers.  I continue to enjoy my Vertex loudspeakers & added the W-B Torus System.  Hardly in the super east no object league, but always engaging.

Mine of course! But for reasons. Double wall sand filled cabinets on Stillpoints. Audiolund internal wiring. Powered woofer. Heil tweeter AND MIDRANGE so thin diaphrams handle sound above 800 Hz. RF blocker cladding. 

Adam Audio

Not made anymore.

Gotta bring beer to hear.

ACORA...the best go back to the "stone age".  Also the Fink Team KIM.....

I’m not going out on limb by nominating the The Borresen M1. However disclaimer.. have not actually heard them yet.. so skip to the last paragraph, but on the M1’s, I have read about the engineering and have heard other Borrensen and Raidho stand mounts so would be surprised if these aren’t at the top. I’ve also read great things about the Fleetwood DeVille, but haven’t heard them.

For what I’ve actually heard.. First consideration would be to Audio Note AN-E/SPx AlNiCo. Fritz’s stand mounts are really good for the money, as are Klaus Bunge’s Kismets, which I fondly remember. I also like the latest Vimbergs, and the latest big QLN’s. I’m not in the BBC LS3 5a or KEF LS50 camp. I’ve got an old pair of NEAR 10m’s in my bedroom which I prefer to those using the proper sources and cabling.

For all the stand mount speakers which I’ve actually heard.. which for my money, besides disappearing.. imaging, they must have weight, dynamics. I would choose (and did) the Ocean Way Audio Eurekas. The caveat being.. they’re driven by high powered high damping factor GaNFET amplification. Time alignment.. sweet, detailed, dimensional.. image like mad.. sound like big really well engineered 3-ways.

I guess many people have to consider what they have, or have had, is the best component be it speakers or any other, that's probably why they bought that component. Having listened to at least hundreds of speakers I am now truly happy with mine in my room in my system. They may not be the choice  for many other people. I was looking for a larger stand mount eventually settling on the PMC FACT 3, until I listened to them, no not for me, Dynaudio bookshelf, nice finish, sounded ordinary, I could go on and on but eventually settled on, a small floor stander by Audio Physic, probably because I was up grading an existing pair of Audio Physics. Its what suits you, no best just a lot of very good ones.